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Questions and answers are arranged by media file name.

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Topic: Media

Life for Sale

Media file located at

Stephen CX096106
Q - In the end how much money did the biggest bidder agree to pay for his life?
A - Just under four hundred thousand Australia dollars.

Topic: Family


Media file located at

Andy CX096104
Q - What took five years for the woman?
A - It took about five years for her to stop crying and thinking of her son every day.

Andy CX096104
Q - Why did the mother give her son up for adoption?
A - The woman wasn't prepared to be a mother and there was no father for the child.


Media file located at

Sarah, Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - How many years is the mother older than her daughter?
A - Twenty-seven years.


Media file located at

Tiffany CW095119
Q - What was Patricia Attoe getting nervous about?
A - She was nervous that her husband would snap at the child because she knows he is an impatient person.


Media file located at

Beatrice CX095142
Q - What did Claire's mother want to ask Billy?
A - She wanted to ask if Billy would be willing to adopt children, and she wanted to know how they were going to tell Claire that she cannot have a baby.

Beatrice CX095142
Q - How did they decide to tell Claire about the issue?
A - Billy said that he would tell her himself on their wedding night.


Media file located at

Neveah CX096138
Q - How can we tell that the son respects his father a lot?
A - In his childhood, he used to tell all the other kids that his dad was the smartest man of the world. And, now, he even asks the father questions about having a child. It appears that the son is respectful to his father.

Neveah CX096138
Q - What's the most exciting thing for the son about having a child?
A - He suddenly understands how much the father loves him and he never got it before.

Topic: Food


Media file located at

Philip, Zach,Peggy cx096108,cx096110,cx096140
Q - How did he know about the contest?
A - He saw an ad in the newspaper.

May and Nancy CX096118, CS096136
Q - What has the speaker always wanted?
A - He always wanted to be famous. He always wanted to be president, or a big lawyer or a doctor.

May and Nancy CX096118, CS096136
Q - What opinion did the speaker’s father have of him?
A - The speaker’s father always thought he couldn’t succeed and considered him a loser.

Bubble tea

Media file located at

Angela CX096116
Q - Why did Lillian market her recipe especially to kids, teens and college students?
A - Because they were the biggest bubble tea lovers in Taiwan.

Angela CX096116
Q - What is bubble made from?
A - tapioca
NOTE FROM DANIEL: This is a partial answer. Other students can still answer this question by giving more information. What else is in bubble tea, according to the report?

Nicole Lai CX096114
Q - What states besides California have bubble tea?
A - North Carolina and New Jersey.

Nicole Lai CX096114
Q - How is Lillian Yen dressed when she arrives at her Sunnyvale office? Describe as much as you can.
A - She has a pink plastic briefcase and dressed in a bright pink shirt, white pants and red lipstick.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - Where is Silicon Valley?
A - California.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - To what types of customers is Lillian marketing her product?
A - Young people, like kids, teens and college students.

Making Bread

Media file located at

Philip, Zach,Peggy cx096108,cx096110,cx096140
Q - How does she use to make bread?
A - She doesn't like to use a machine, so she does it with her hands.

Philip, Zach,Peggy cx096108,cx096110,cx096140
Q - What kind of flour can be used to make bread?
A - Different kinds of flour, like white and whole wheat.

Philip, Zach,Peggy cx096108,cx096110,cx096140
Q - What does she use to make the yeast wake up?
A - Water

Philip, Zach,Peggy cx096108,cx096110,cx096140
Q - What is the last step before putting the dough in the oven?
A - Make it into the shape you want the bread to be.

Annie CX096112; Rita CX096134
Q - What ingredients does she mention?
A - She uses flour, water, and yeast to make bread and sugar and honey to wake the yeast wake up.

Annie CX096112; Rita CX096134
Q - How big does the dough become after adding the yeast?
A - It doubles in size.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - How long does the bread need to spend in the oven?
A - An hour.


Media file located at

Annie CX096112; Rita CX096134
Q - What does she like to have for dinner?
A - She loves steak, hamburgers, and anything that has meat in it.

Annie CX096112; Rita CX096134
Q - When does she have her big meal?
A - Dinner time is when she has her big meal.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - What is her favorite dessert that she usually eat after dinner?
A - Ice cream.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - What does she sometimes have for breakfast?
A -

  • A glass of orange juice with cereal and milk.
  • A piece of fruit like a peach, some strawberries or a banana.
  • A piece of toast with butter and jam on it.
  • Scramble eggs to make an omelet with cheese and mushrooms on it.
  • A bagel with cream cheese and jam.

Topic: Money

Saving tips

Media file located at

Philip, Peggy, Zach CX096108,CX096110,CX096140
Q - How does Frank save his electricity bills?
A - He lights candles instead of turning on the lights.

Sarah, Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - Where are the first and second advisers come from?
A - Florida and Ohio.

Sarah, Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - What profession does the first caller work in?
A - In human resources.

Tiffany CW095119
Q - What's the telephone number that people can call when they have special saving tips?
A - The telephone number is 310-841-5180.

Shopping carts

Media file located at

Sarah, Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - What are some of the places mentioned where you might spot carts that you report by calling the free number?
A - Yard, street, and bus stop, etc.

Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - What kinds of people need to use shopping carts? (That is, what kinds of people take the carts away from the stores?)
A - Many who ride the bus and don't have cars.

Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - What do homeless people always use shopping carts for?
A - To carry their belongings.

Ally, Veronica CX096124, CX096130, CX096142
Q - What job does the invited speaker have?
A - She is a senator.

May and Nancy CX096118, CX096136
Q - For whom is losing a shopping cart especially expensive?
A - It is extremely expensive for the grocers. It's also a nuisance for the neighborhood.

May and Nancy CX096118, CX096136
Q - How much does a shopping cart cost?
A - Shopping carts value from 100 dollars to 300 dollars per shopping cart.

Tracy; Vicky; Jessie
Q - What logo will the shopping carts have on the outside?
A - The name of the store and phone number.

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Page last modified on July 30, 2009, at 09:32 PM