This schedule will be getting updated about the third week of classes.
14 September - 20 September
- Review class requirements
- Discuss class web site
- Discuss term project
- Group work: Discuss a show that your group is familiar with. See if you can write a short (1-3 sentence) premise for the show.
- Discuss makeup class for Oct. 12
21 September - 27 September
- Discuss sitcom format
- Characters and plot movement result of character actions
- Characters as central to entire program
- Multiple storylines
- Pacing
- Group work: Discuss a show your group is familiar with. Try to write a brief (1-2 paragraph) character sketch for a couple of the characters.
28 September - 4 October
- Discuss sitcom format
- Multiple storylines
- Pacing
- We will view one episode of a sitcom then for that episode try to write:
- premise
- storyline(s)
- beats (this may have to wait until next class)
5 October - 11 October
- This week we have a simple, but not easy, in-class activity. Choose a sitcom of TV drama that everyone in the class is familiar with. It does not have to be an English-language show. In small groups, create a beat outline for one episode of the show. This should not be an episode you have seen; it should be an episode your group creates. One storyline is enough, but if you can think of two, even better.
- Homework: We won't meet as a class for two weeks, so it's important that you keep focused on your project. Your homework while Daniel is away is to:
- Choose your groups for the semester project. You've probably done this already.
- Brainstorm program ideas. You should not be thinking about episode ideas yet. You should be thinking about the overall program situation. Who are your characters and what is their general situation? What about their situation will provide material for episodes? So, you should be thinking about your characters and their situation. It's OK to think of the situation first, then think of the characters, or visa versa. Be creative! Be messy! Have fun!
12 October - 18 October
Daniel is at a conference this week. We will not meet as a class. Homework: Think about your show!! Your group has to have an idea ready by next week.
19 October - 25 October
- Your group will need to share your program idea(s) with the class. If you have settled on one idea and you're ready to go, great. If your group has two or three ideas and you're not sure which one to go with, no problem. Bring them all and we'll help you figure it out. But you have to bring something.
- Homework: You need to start working on character sketches and a program premise statement, i.e., a formal premise, clearly stated and free of language mistakes.
26 October - 1 November
- Show premise due. You can edit it later, but you need to hand something in this week.
- We'll spend this class in groups working on our character sketches, the first drafts of which are due next week.
2 November - 8 November
- First draft of character sketches due. The instructor and your classmates will give you feedback before your second draft is due. Please bring a copy to class and also send a copy to the instructor by Email. Remember to put your name and student number on all your work.
- You'll be reading your character sketches in class and we will have an opportunity to ask you questions about them.
9 November - 15 November
- Practice writing test. We will watch a 1/2 hour sitcom and you will be asked to write a narrative of the episode after watching it.
16 November - 22 November
- Second draft of character sketches is due.
- I want to briefly discuss how to manage and hand in all your projects. Basically, I'll be asking you and your group to hand it a complete, compiled, and corrected version of all your writings at the end of the semester. We'll talk.
23 November - 29 November
- We will work on episode premises and beat outlines
30 November - 6 December
- Episode premise and beat outline are due. (Draft 1)
- Peer review of beat outlines
7 December - 13 December
- Draft 2 of beat outline due (only if you updated draft 1.)
- We'll work more with logical connectors
14 December - 20 December
NO CLASS!! Nothing is due, but if you want to send the 1st draft of your narrative in early, please do. Otherwise, it's due no later than next week!
21 December - 27 December
- Draft 1 of narrative is due
- Discuss use of on the one/other hand
- Discuss punctuation for dialogue
- In-class writing activity: chain story
28 December - 3 January
- Final writing test date. We will watch our program twice during the class, then your narrative treatment of the show is due the following week.
4 January - 10 January
- Draft 2 of narrative is due
- Final due
11 January - 15 January
We will not be meeting as a class this week. Daniel will be in his office during class time for optional conferences. All work is absolutely, positively due by the end of class time this week!!