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  1. foxbegin 1269853235a90073b0#

29.03.2010 - 02:00  

What do you spend money on every month?

What are your main expenses?

  1. foxend 1269853235a90073b0#
  2. foxbegin 1269853378a36804b0#

29.03.2010 - 02:02  

How much money would you need?

How much money would you need to feel like you never had to 'make' more money? In other words, how many zeros would you need to see in your bankbook to feel financially secure?

  1. foxend 1269853378a36804b0#
  2. foxbegin 1269914240a76501b0#

29.03.2010 - 18:57  

If you won one million dollars, what would you do?

  1. foxend 1269914240a76501b0#
  2. foxbegin 1269914403a52098b0#

29.03.2010 - 19:00  

Do you invest your 'red envelope' money every year?

  1. foxend 1269914403a52098b0#
  2. foxbegin 1270092377a50681b0#

31.03.2010 - 20:26  

When you start working, what percentage of your monthly salary will you save?

How will you save money? What will you give up to save money?

  1. foxend 1270092377a50681b0#
  2. foxbegin 1270446492a81516b0#

04.04.2010 - 22:48  

How much money do you expect for your salary?

  1. foxend 1270446492a81516b0#
  2. foxbegin 1270446512a4653b0#

04.04.2010 - 22:48  

How much would you spend on your lover?

  1. foxend 1270446512a4653b0#

(:fox cbox put=aboveform template=Main.FoxCommentTemplate:)

 Your Message

(:foxend cbox:)

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Page last modified on April 04, 2010, at 10:48 PM